
In this chapter, we will skim over the installation and configuration to search in the documentation of Dokang itself.


A document set represents a single documentation, i.e. a set of related documents (files) that resides in a directory and its sub-directories, for example this documentation of Dokang. You may instruct Dokang to index one or more document sets, and then search in all sets or only one.

A harvester extracts content from a file: a list of words and a few metadata, like the title.


Dokang is compatible with Python 2 (>= 2.7) and Python 3 (>= 3.3).

In a brand new virtual environment, install with:

pip install Dokang

If you have cloned the Git repository, use this instead:

pip install -e .


The entry point is an INI configuration file, an example of which is shipped with the source as dev.ini. It controls both the configuration of the web frontend and general settings. The latter are defined by dokang.* options:


The maximum number of search results to fetch. It must be a positive number. If equals to 0 (or if the option is omitted from the file), no limit is set: all results are returned.

Default: no limit.

The path of the index created by the Whoosh backend. It is a directory that will be created on-the-fly when the index is initialized.

The path where HTML documentation is uploaded.

To define this path, you may use %(here)s to denote the directory that holds the INI file.

The identification token used to allow documentation upload.
The harvester to use for all projects (fully qualified Python class name).
The name of your documentation repository, for OpenSearch (see below).
A description of your documentation repository, for OpenSearch (see below).

You may want to start from the example file and only customize these values. For further details about Pyramid-related settings, see the corresponding section as well as the Logging section in the Pyramid documentation.

Initializing the index

Once you have created the configuration file, you must initialize the search index. You may do so with the init command of the command-line client:

$ dokang --settings=dev.ini init


If the index already exists and you would like to start from scratch, use the --force option to overwrite the index. The index will be deleted and recreated empty.

For further details about the arguments and options of the command line client, see Command line reference.

Starting Dokang

The INI configuration file described above is a valid WSGI configuration file that you may use with your favorite WSGI server.

On a development machine, you may want to use something like Waitress. First, install Waitress:

$ pip install Waitress

Then run it:

$ pserve dev.ini
Starting server in PID 14135.
serving on

See the documentation of Waitress for further details.

Upload and index documentation

If you visit http://localhost:6543 in a web browser, the page will be quite empty. Let’s upload the documentation of a project:

  • zip the documentation (your ZIP file must have a top-level “index.html”);
  • post your documentation on http://localhost:6543/upload/ using multipart/form-data content type and the following fields:
    • :action, must be doc_upload,
    • name, the name of your project,
    • content, the ZIP file.
$ cd project_html_doc/
$ 7z a ../ .
$ curl -X POST \
       --form name=project_name \
       -F ":action=doc_upload" \
       -F content=@../ \

You should see a success message. If you refresh http://localhost:6543/ in your web browser, you should now be able to search and find terms that appear in the documentation you have uploaded.


Dokang has basic support for OpenSearch. That means that you can set up an instance of Dokang as a custom search source (like Google and Wikipedia in Firefox).